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Using FairPrice, you can improve your home-cooked meals

Savour the prime quality of Fresh Australian Beef at FairPrice Beef Counters, along with value-added services such as vacuum seal service, portioning service and recipe tips.

FairPrice currently operates nine Beef Counters offering Fresh Australian Beef, including seven Chilled Beef Counters that provide Halal beef – located at Tampines Mall, Tampines Hub, Eastpoint, Sun Plaza, Senja Heights, Hillion Mall, and Bedok North Blk 212. 

The remaining two Chilled Beef Counter – at Woodlands Civic Center and Punggol Oasis –  will be converted to Halal beef counters by the end of the year.

Each counter has a wide variety of beef parts, from the favoured Ribeye (great for steaks) to brisket, minced beef and even shank.

Vacuum Seal Service

VIDEO: Meal Prep For The Week In Under An Hour | Beef Stir Fry Recipe
Chef Jack Ovens

Have our friendly service staff vacuum seal the beef for extended freshness. You don’t need to worry about thawing the beef or having it go bad the next day – vacuum-sealed beef stays fresh for about 15 days. Simply keep your vacuum-sealed beef in the refrigerator, and avoid storing it in the freezer.

Portioning to preference

VIDEO: SECRET to making the PERFECT Sheet Pan Roast Beef! FairPrice Xtra Easy Christmas Oven Recipe
Spice N' Pans

Our service staff can help cut up and portion your beef to your tailored needs. For instance, customers have the option to divide the beef into several portions, with one intended for immediate consumption, while the remaining portions can be vacuum-sealed to extend their freshness. 

So be it minced beef for a burger, or beef cubes to be grilled, or steak for a meat platter, FairPrice has got you covered. 

Feel free to consult our service staff for recipe suggestions and recommendations on which cut of beef is best suited for your cooking needs.

*Promotion on beef cuts (up to 30%) changes every week

Beef Recipes at your fingertips

VIDEO: How to 'Meal Prep'...if you hate Meal Prepping (like I do)
Ethan Chlebowski

Learn from 60 interesting easy-to-cook unique beef recipes such as Bulgogi Grilled Australian Beef Striploin, Stir-fried Australian Beef Ribeye with Sambal Kicap Manis, Spicy Gan Xiang Stir-fried Australian Beef Tenderloin and more here

Fresh Australian Halal Beef

VIDEO: Why I Cook Meat Straight from the Freezer (& why you should too)
Ethan Chlebowski

Australian Beef is nature-grazed in a land blessed with golden sunshine and lush green pastures. Overseen by one of the strictest quality standards in the world and an industry benchmark Halal Assurance programme, the meat is tasty and tender, with a consistent texture. 

When you buy Halal Australian Beef and Lamb, you can be confident you are getting clean, safe, and 100% guaranteed Halal meat.


Article information

Author: Christine Johnson

Last Updated: 1699527362

Views: 925

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Christine Johnson

Birthday: 2014-08-04

Address: 38735 Crystal Gardens, Port Nancyview, OR 42651

Phone: +3996042630002418

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Embroidery, Writing, Fencing, Card Games, Scuba Diving, Backpacking, Hiking

Introduction: My name is Christine Johnson, I am a radiant, risk-taking, proficient, courageous, variegated, strong-willed, vibrant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.