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Amid the downturn in the cryptocurrency market, four low-cap altcoins explode by 104% or more in just one week - The Daily Hodl

Four under-the-radar altcoins are more than doubling their value within the past week despite the lingering uncertainty in the broader crypto markets.

One of the best-performing coins in the last seven days is Krypton DAO (KRD).

The native asset of the decentralized community Krypton DAO ascended from a weekly low of $0.38 on November 29th to a high of $0.91 today, shooting up over 139% in just seven days. KRD is still trading near its seven-day high at $0.90 at time of writing.

Another top performer this week is Magic (MAGIC), a token used to operate the decentralized video game Treasure. The crypto asset surged from a low of $0.26 on November 29th to a weekly high of $0.62 on December 4th, marking a climb of over 138% in less than a week. MAGIC has retraced since the posting of its seven-day high and is trading at $0.53 at time of writing.

Next up is Star Altas DAO (POLIS), the native governance token of a Solana (SOL)-built blockchain video game. POLIS rallied from a seven-day low of $0.21 on November 30th to a high of $0.46 on December 3rd, an increase of more than 119%. POLIS has also corrected from its high and is swapping hands at $0.37 at time of writing.

Another red-hot altcoin this week is BitMEX Token (BMEX), the utility coin of the crypto derivatives exchange BitMEX. BMEX rose over 104% this week from a low of $0.43 on November 29th to a high of $0.88 on December 5th. BMEX has given up some of its weekly gains and is switching hands for $0.62 at time of writing.

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Author: Denise Sanders

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Name: Denise Sanders

Birthday: 2018-08-04

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Introduction: My name is Denise Sanders, I am a unswerving, honest, courageous, unreserved, transparent, risk-taking, Open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.